Mikešs Q and A quiz.
1. MIke wears boxers or briefs?
Boxers Briefs
2. Is Mike single?
Yes No
3. Who came up with the name Sunset | Knoll?
Bob Dave Mike
4. What kind of car does Mike drive?
Pinto Honda CRX Jeep Wrangler
5. What is Mikešs favorite food?
Cup O Noodles Broccoli French Fries
6. Mikešs favorite celebrity is who?
Tom Cruise Britney Spears Johnny Bravo
7. How many guitars does Mike own?
1 6 4
8. Mike plays what instrument?
Drums Guitar Bass
9. What was Mikešs nickname in high school?
He didnšt have one Rodey Dooshe
10. Mikešs favorite drink is what?
Cherry Coke Water Diet Coke